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  4. How to – Validate delivery tracking in cPanel

How to – Validate delivery tracking in cPanel

  1. Log in to cPanel.
  2. Navigate to the “Email” Section.
    Navigate to the “Email” section and locate the “Track Delivery” option. At the top section, you’ll find the means to refine your search results. For each message, you will find the following information:

    – Event: This indicates the message’s status.
    – Sender: This displays the originating account from which the message was sent.
    – Sending time: You will see the date and time when the message was dispatched.
    – Spam score: In case the email has been flagged as spam, the associated score will be visible.
    – Recipient: The recipient’s email address will be listed here.
    – Result: This section reveals the outcome of the message, whether it was successfully received or rejected.


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