Category: Marketing & SEO

Market Positioning

Where does your business fit in the overall scheme of your marketplace? Are you the market leader? Are you the low cost leader? Do you have the most premium offering? These are just a few of the ways you can describe your market positioning. Good market positioning insures that you are differentiated sufficiently within your […]

Marketing Strategy vs Marketing Tasks

When most small business owners think about marketing their business, a punch list of potential marketing activities usually comes to mind. “I need to update the web site, get a FaceBook page and maybe I should try advertising on the side of buses,” they think to themselves. This is the wrong approach to marketing. Here’s […]

Everything You Do Is Marketing

Most small businesses get by without putting very much deliberate thought into marketing. A lot of business owners will proudly proclaim that they don’t do any marketing; they get all of their business from referrals. This is definitely something to be proud of since it means they have built a business and have happy customers. […]

Customer Centric Marketing

The first order of business in marketing (and in sales) should be to create a relationship with your prospective customers. If you can create a connection with them that enables them to begin to trust you, then you are on the way to getting a new customer. Fundamentally, they must believe (trust) that your product […]

Market Testing & Validation

When we sit down to develop a new website for a client, our conversation always begins with the goals of the company. Nine times out of ten, those are marketing and sales goals – they want to generate more leads and get more customers. As a result, our first conversation revolves around the marketing message […]

6 Ways to Market Your Business on FaceBook

FaceBook recently surpassed Google in terms of the average amount of time people spend on the site. Marketing your business on FaceBook is already a great way to get exposure and it will become more and more essential over time. Here are some tips on getting started. Create a FaceBook Page. This is the first […]

Why Have a Blog?

Clients regularly ask us whether they should have a blog or not. In general, my answer is yes, though there are some exceptions. Here’s why…

7 Steps To Better Email Newsletters

If you want your email newsletter to be opened and read, follow these simple tips… Frequency of Emails. Current trends show that emailing between 1 and 3 times per month is the optimal number. Less than that, and you may lose opportunities. If you email more frequently, you run the risk of annoying your customers […]

False Keyword Ranking in Google

As part of our series on basic search engine optimization (SEO), let’s talk about how to measure your SEO efforts. A key metric is how you rank for each keyword you are targeting. Are you on the first page of search results? Are you in the top 3? Are you moving up in the results […]

Analyzing Site Traffic

There are a number of tools you can use to analyze your web site’s traffic but they fall into two primary categories – Web based tools and Server based tools. What’s the difference and how can they affect your sites stats? Read on…

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New Year Resolutions for Your Website in 2025

Now is the perfect time to reflect on the health and performance of your website. Whether you're looking to improve… more

A Look at 2024 Web Trends and What to Expect in 2025

As 2024 draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the web design and development trends that… more

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